Driven to spark dialogue and re-connect people with one-another, Studio Synergy is working on a new version of Post-it Public: v2.0! This version will create free havens in the public space where people can share their thoughts, opinions and memories. It will become a place for people to express themselves through posting written words, still images or short videos on a Post-it Public wall. Bound in place and time, all that is shared only exists there and then. This enforces others to physically come to a Post-it Public wall to interact with and respond to posted messages. Post-it Public v2.0 will so be a new way of communicating local stories to which a trespasser can relate and engage in dialogue with.
Check out our socials to see the progress of v2.0’s development!

Post-it Public v1.0
In a time where journalists are threatened and words can cause upheavals, our freedom of speech and press freedom is not that self-evident any more. Fear of rejection or repercussions when straying from the norm has become a reality. Hence, many people seek refuge in the “Wild Wild West” or better known as the internet. There they feel free to voice their thoughts and opinions under the safety of anonymity. Does this mean that sincere interactions and conversations are disappearing from the physical realm?
When it is up to Studio Synergy, definitely not!
Hence, we introduce Post-it Public. A new message board meant to spark dialogues and discussions. A platform providing a safe environment for people to share what they truly think or want to say. A tool to gather reliable feedback and opinions.
Post-it Public makes this possible by creating a “mini internet” on a local network. Each monitor or projection screen able to run a browser and connected to the local network, can so display a wall of messages (a message board). Messages that participants have texted to Post-it Public using their mobile phone. Either in a response to a question or as a reaction to something that happened there where Post-it Public is exhibited. Whenever a message is received containing a valid location code, it is immediately visible on the corresponding message board.
In doing so, Post-it Public combines the best of the digital and natural worlds. By exhibiting text messages promptly in the physical space, participants experience the intimacy and instant gratification of voicing their opinions or thoughts as with “real” participation projects. But they can do this now anonymously and without the fear of rejection or repercussions of their direct environment, like with digital media. This will promote the participation of a bigger and more varied group of users, making the collected responses more inclusive.
Core aspects
Inclusion and ease of use are at the core of Post-it Public. Hence, participants can contribute using a simple text message (SMS). No need to download any additional apps or even use a smart phone to begin with. Every phone, not matter the age, can be used to share one’s thoughts. Ensuring that truly everyone can engage with Post-it Public.
Another core aspect of Post-it Public is its location bound behaviour. This allows the use of multiple message boards with a single Post-it Public system and fore most helps to shape a safe environment to interact with. Only when people are on location they can add content to a message board, which boosts the credibility of shown messages. Additionally, participants do not have to be afraid that their messages will spread over the globe and potentially end up in databases of third parties. Since, Post-it Public operates on the local network of an exhibitor, it does not exist or is accessible from anywhere else than there where it is exhibited.

When new messages are received they immediately show up on the corresponding message board.
Once a board is full, it will automatically start scrolling to ensure all messages will come into view.

Is a message board full and a new message submitted, then its footer will turn green to indicate the message has been successfully received.
One can give all kinds of reactions (likes, loves, etc.) to previous posts to indicate how one feels about them.

Post-it Public’s layout is fully customisable and easily changed!
Participants can also leave a rating behind on a scale from 0 to 5 stars.

It is possible to let participants change the order of displayed messages, using their reactions given to a post (here a like).
These and many more features make Post-it Public suited for a wide variety of applications. Curious to how you can use it for your upcoming event or within your company? Get in touch and ask for a live demonstration!
Example applications
- Get interesting questions during your event, by eliminating the stage fright of your attendees. Therefore, enable them to ask questions through Post-it Public instead of a microphone. Additional bonus: answer the most relevant questions, according to your audience, by letting attendees up-vote their most pressing question.
- Use Post-it Public to ask for feedback on one’s services or event.
- It can provide in a place where people can share their affinity with an event, a topic or location.
- Make people re-connect with one-another. Use Post-it Public in the public space for passers-by to leave behind what they think or feel. It may be comforting to read that others have similar experiences in which you are not alone.
- Collect unrestrained thoughts and opinions from your public to determine their silent desires and use these to better tailor the programme of your next event to your audience or mission.